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copper in square

In this gallery there is only
a little selection of all my
work of the series 'copper in
square' presented.
I have been working
throughout 5 year with
this theme.

copper in square:

tracing paper, copper leaf
cling film, acrylic paint

size: 130 cm x 130 cm

asrtid, bärndal, baerndal, barndal, fine art, art, kunst, konst, objekt, objekte, installation, installationen, hamburg, stockholm, london, deutschland, germany, tyskland, sverige, schweden, sweden, england, uk, britain, kimono, kimonos, haori, haories, haory, japanisch, japanese, japan, inspiration, inspiriert, seelengewandt, seelengewand, soul dress, dream, dreamed, traum, träume, geträumt, transpaperntpapier, tracing, paper, gold, leaf, copper, blattkupfer, blattgold, schlagmetal, xerigrafie, xerogrphy